Rankings Management
The Global Ranking Champion
If a ranking appears in a medium with high circulation, it must be dealt with, even if the method used is unscientific. This approach is followed by F.A.Z.-Institut's and R.A.T.E.'s annually published "Global R.A.T.E. Index". It measures the performance of multinational companies in the 150 most visible rankings worldwide, the rankings that have the greatest impact in public spaces. It does not take into account whether a ranking is based on an objective, scientific method, but rather whether the ranking achieves a high reach in traditional and social media or not.
The results of the rankings identified in this way were analyzed and aggregated in order to create a meta ranking called “Global R.A.T.E. Index". It serves as an indicator of how multinational companies are performing in the world's most important reputation rankings.
Read the complete article from the magazine "Kommunikationsmanager" (german edition): Der Global-Ranking-Champion